Daddy's Page
last updated: 12/31/98

Welcome to my page.  I've been working on this website on-and-off for a while, learning some new tricks to HTML programming.  I like programming on the computer, and I work as a computer programmer full-time at the company where I work.  I'm proficient in COBOL programming, and have picked up Visual Basic this past year.  With our company migrating to a new client/server background, I'm taking some DBA courses and hope to become a Database Administrator in 1999!

In February 1999, I'm starting to take some classes at Oracle here in Northern Virginia to transition my career from a main-frame applications programmer to Database Administrator using a client/server package.  With that in mind, there is a need for an Oracle DBA and I'm planning to take some classes to prepare for that position when we complete our migration to the new software package.  Looking forward to making a career change as we go past the millenium!

Ok, enough about that, I have some fun hobbies!  First of all, I love spending time with my two boys at home.  Jake is two years old, and he loves to ride Daddy's back playing horsey, and to wrestle.  Jake is a very lovable kid, and I hope that he remains that way in the years to come!  Joshua is nine-months old, and he's already caught up with Jake in size.  He's learning how to master his crawl these days.  He can do the army crawl, and can get on all fours, but haven't quite figured out how to do the "normal" crawl.  In due time, though.  Also, my wife is a very special person in my life.  Sharon and I will be married seven years in January 1999, and we've come a long way in the last several years!  She stays home with my boys and takes care of the house these days.  She's a hard-working woman, and I appreciate all she has done for me!  Sometimes, there are rough days with two toddlers running amuck in the house, but it's all worth it!  I love them dearly.

This is me working out!!!

Also, I work out daily at home.  I have invested in a Bowflex machine, and it's shown some dramatic results, and in the upcoming summer of 1999, I'll probably look my best in years!  Also, I'm working out so I can be better prepared with TWO toddlers wanting to "wrestle with Daddy"!  *smiles*
It takes dedication and hard work to get there too! But I sure am enjoying it!

Another favorite pastime I have is checking out auctions.  I've bought and sold stuff on a neat site in the past couple years on eBay, and I've shared the news about this site with my family and friends.  It's a great place to find some antiques, baskets, and even Thomas the train  and Paddington stuff for my kids!  Be sure to check them out!
Click here to check out their site!

If I had to choose where my favorite place to shop is, it would be the Home Depot!  I like doing things with my hands and build things.  I've done some minor renovations in our townhouse, and would love to build a new house someday.  I also like doing woodwork and stuff, so I do frequent this store quite often!  Check out their website and visit this store if you're reasonably close by!

Well, as I promised, here are a few pictures I got scanned for you all to see... Here's a pic of me and the boys, and scroll down, and you'll see my 2-year-old picture taken 30 years ago.

Stay tuned, for I will get some pictures of some of the woodwork I've done (along with my dad) and post it on here so you all can see the quality workmanship of the Hinkles!

Come back and visit as I improve our website, and thanks for visiting!

See Spot Run!